Listed below are the topics covered by the help system on the particular theme of writing scripts.
For a quick start with making applets and droplets, see applets and droplets.
About the differences between Smile-as-a-script-editor and Script Editor,
see Smile and Script Editor.
The "File" menu contains the commands to :
- create a new script, applet, or droplet
- open a script, applet, or droplet
- save a script, applet or droplet.
The script window help describes how to :
- check the syntax of a script
- run a script
- record user actions as a script
- use drag and drop with script windows
- use the Handlers pop-up menu.
Smile offers several options as about where and how the results of script execution are displayed.
- the default result window of Smile is the text window named "Worksheet"
- Smile supports making new output windows.
Help is available on the keyboard shortcuts and on some mouse tricks which can prove useful to work on text.
The "Edit" menu contains the commands needed for searching and replacing strings in scripts, to use the clipboard, and to compare the contents of two windows.
Two menu items of the "Text" menu are particularly useful to write scripts, since they allow :
- indenting in / out a block, and
- un / commenting out a block.
You can customize the settings of Smile. See "Preferences" dialog about :
- changing the background color of the script windows